ENCO Environmental Co., Inc.

                                                                                        THE Environmental Authority!

                                                                    PO Box 1352, Sand Springs, OK  74063

                                                                    Phone: 918-398-9436  Fax: 918-339-5050

                                                                    E-mail:  encoenv@sbcglobal.net


Clean Air Permitting

Form R

Phase I & II

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Clean Air Permitting

Form R

Phase I & II

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Home SARA Title III Clean Air Form R SPCC Plan Storm Water Phase I & II Contact Us

At ENCO Environmental, our service begins with the preparation of our Environmental Compliance Handbook.  During the preparation of this product, a review is conducted of the chemical inventory, based upon a scientific review of the Material Safety Data Sheets the client maintains in inventory.  Then, using data provided by the client, information concerning each product, the maximum amount maintained in inventory, the container in which the product is stored, and the area the product will be found in the facility, the Environmental Compliance Handbook is created.

The data discussed above is entered into ENCO Environmental's proprietary program that organizes the chemical inventory, compares the chemicals to EPA's list of regulated chemicals for determination of what regulatory thresholds may have been exceeded.  The Environmental Compliance Handbook is then prepared, along with a Tier II form, if applicable.  The Handbook contains valuable information about regulated Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS's), CERCLA, Hazardous Waste, Clean Air, Storm Water, Section 313 / Form R. Additionally, the Handbook contains information about products that are carcinogenic, as well as those that are regulated by the Department of Transportation, Department of Homeland Security, and OSHA.  A thorough review of the handbook is conducted by a licensed professional engineer and certified hazardous materials manager, who signs off and seals the book.  A letter of recommendations identifying other potential environmental reporting burdens and suggestions of how to address these burdens is prepared.

The Environmental Compliance Handbook is then delivered to the client by an environmental professional.  The product is carefully reviewed with the client at that time.  Generally, a facility walkthrough is conducted to verify the validity of the recommendations made in the letter.  At this time, the Annual Site Compliance Evaluation Report (required under Oklahoma Law for all facilities that have a storm water permit) is prepared for the client. 

As a standard part of our services, ENCO Environmental provides free consulting to our clients for quick answers concerning issues that may arise during the reporting year.  In this way, ENCO Environmental can become an extension of the client's environmental compliance department without the client being forced to carry that expense on payroll.  ENCO can provide year round access to licensed engineering professionals and certified hazardous materials managers with a phone call or an e-mail.

Contact us now if you have any questions about our services or if you are thinking of retaining a consultant to meet your regulatory needs.