ENCO Environmental Co., Inc.
THE Environmental Authority!
PO Box 1352, Sand Springs, OK 74063
Phone: 918-398-9436 Fax: 918-339-5050
E-mail: encoenv@sbcglobal.net
SARA Title III |
Clean Air Permitting |
Form R |
Phase I & II |
SARA Title III |
Clean Air Permitting |
Form R |
Phase I & II |
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As a part of the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency implemented the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, which focuses upon keeping pollution of all types out of storm water. Most states, including Oklahoma and Texas, are currently authorized to administer this program under the state and local agencies. Under these regulations, any facility that discharges storm water that has been in contact with any kind of product or waste must file for a storm water permit and prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan.
Pollution can take many forms, from contamination by coming in contact to spilled materials, such as oil or fuel drips around bulk storage tanks to products that are used outside of a building, products that are stored outside such as metals, or floatable materials, like trash, cups, and cigarette butts. Pollution can also be silt, sediment, or other earthen materials that could be entrained in storm water. Any facility that discharges any of these pollutants into surface water are required to obtain a storm water permit. This includes not only facilities that store materials outside, but also facilities where contaminates might be expected to be outside as a result of leaks, drips, or spills. Additionally, any construction site that will disturb more than one acre of land is required to obtain a permit.
In addition to obtaining a permit, affected facilities are required to implement a Storm Water Pollution Plan and to train their employees on the use of best management practices to minimize the facility's potential to emit pollutants to storm water runoff. In addition, some states require an annual compliance report. Finally, some states require that the facility periodically take samples of storm water as it runs off of the property and perform some kind of analysis on the storm water to ensure that the facility is minimizing or eliminating its contamination of storm water.
As a part of its services, ENCO offers its clients assistance complying with these regulations. First, an environmental professional from ENCO Environmental will visit the client's facility for a thorough walkthrough, where special attention is given to issues that will affect storm water runoff. The best management practices are developed in cooperation with the client and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is developed. Occasionally, at the client's request, ENCO will assist with training by either providing the employee training or by preparing training materials for the client's use in training.